Feels Not Quite Fair...
I have been doing very well, but I stood up funny from bed around midnight last night and got clobbered with vertigo again. ARgh! And 12 hours later I'm still feeling woozy. Oh well. I guess this is just part of the program, little surprises in the common course of recovery from surgery. But it still feels not quite fair. Sigh.
I've already heard from another CI friend to keep sleeping with my head up. I thought I was done with that; last night was the first night I went back to just one pillow. A bit premature, I guess. AND I learned a lesson about taking the rest I need! I got home from a quiet visit to a friend and let myself get sucked onto the computer instead of taking a nap. I ended up canceling the various things I had planned for today, which is the wiser choice, and have slept a lot again. Learning to listen to my body more carefully...
Labels: ci cochlear implant bilateral hearing surgery bionic woozy vertigo nausea